
To Whom It May Concern,

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the undersigned, Lukas Engelhardt and Paul Bille (collectively, "the Parties"), who declare themselves as co-administrators and primary users of a certain computing device herein referred to as "the Server". The Server is designated as the foundational technology supporting the operation of the specified website, in addition to hosting various applications essential for the collaborative endeavors of the Parties. The Server facilitates numerous digital interactions, including but not limited to discussions, workshops, performances, and installations, accessible both online and away from the keyboard (AFK).

The inception of the Server's self-hosting arrangement emanated from the Parties' dissatisfaction with conventional computing tools and a concerted desire to autonomously manage their digital files, an autonomy that is frequently compromised under the standard terms and conditions enforced by predominant technology corporations. Through the ownership and direct oversight of the Server's hardware and software components, the Parties aim to diminish their dependence on those external entities, thereby ensuring selective access to their digital files, inclusive of reading and writing permissions.

The collaborative management of the Server transcends mere technical control, serving as a pivotal means of sustaining the interpersonal bond between the Parties, notwithstanding the geographical expanse of approximately 192.168.285 cubic kilometers of Atlantic seawater that lies between Amsterdam and New York, the respective domiciles of each Party. By conducting this endeavor publicly, the Parties seek to challenge the conventional aesthetics and self-assured demeanor typical of professional designers.

It is acknowledged that a substantial portion of the effort invested in the Server remains concealed from public view, encapsulated within various forms of documentation such as notes, open to-do lists, logs, deadlines, poorly named files, and hypothetical agendas. While such endeavors may be perceived externally as lacking in productivity, the Parties contend that this perceived inefficiency serves a deliberate purpose.

The tangible outputs of this endeavour are listed as follows, without limitation:

This notice is executed by the Parties in good faith and represents a formal declaration of their collaborative and technological pursuits.


Lukas Engelhardt and Paul Bille